
Noragami is a captivating manga that follows the life of Yato, a minor and relatively unknown god with no shrine or worshippers to his name. Desperate to change his fate, Yato takes on odd jobs for a small fee of five yen, dreaming of one day building a shrine of his own. However, his struggles go beyond obscurity, as his weapon partner, or “Shinki,” abandons him, leaving Yato weaponless and alone. Amid his odd job of searching for a missing cat, a chance encounter with Hiyori Iki changes his fate. When Hiyori saves him from an oncoming vehicle, she is gravely injured, and her soul becomes disconnected from her body. Feeling responsible, Yato vows to help Hiyori return to normal, but only after she pays his five-yen fee.

The story delves into Yato’s search for a new Shinki, which leads him to Yukine, a rebellious spirit who becomes his new weapon. Together, they embark on a journey filled with supernatural battles, deepening relationships, and existential struggles. Hiyori, caught between the worlds of the living and the dead, finds herself tied to Yato’s quest for recognition and a home, while grappling with her own challenges as her loose soul leaves her vulnerable to spirits and other deities. *Noragami* expertly blends action, comedy, and heartfelt moments to tell a tale about finding one’s place in the world—whether as a god or a human.